Pictures of my home in Brizzie...
That's a picture of Tinky when she's 3 months old and a super cute & soft hippo given to me by Sean for Christmas!!
hehe I only took a picture of how my home looked like when you step in. The rest of the home is in a total mess kekeke.
Lastly, my study table!! Can you see the 2 photos right on top of my laptop? One of them is the family photo that I’m talking about which 'motivates' me to study *LOL*
Now, Brizzie roads are hilly (as you can see).
The first pic is part of my school. It is a very steep slope, which i treat it as an 'exercise' when i go to school.
You cannot really see how steep the slope in the pic is. I'll take a better one next time hehehe.
The rest are pics taken on my way home from school. The weather is really gloomy and wet these few days.
Oh well...have to get some sleep...*yawns* the weather is just perfect for sleeping...good night people...
Odd Spot: 'Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.' --> I can't believe that someone have the fear for that!!
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