Monday, November 07, 2005


I'm having my second paper feels like i'm caught in this exam fever for months but my first paper was only 1 week ago...

I'm feeling bored and not in the mood to study; in addition, listening to my neighbours ( 2 girls from china) non-stop blabbering, shifts my mood towards being crabby...*pulls hair*

Can't they stop talking for a while, or at least lower down their volume...???
If you know the way china people talk, you'll understand how i feel now.
I've nothing against china people, but they simply don't know when to stop talking or talk softly...

Our previous neighbours (a couple from Taiwan...i guess) love to slam their doors and invite friends to their apartment. The guy loves to sing loudly in the middle of the night and stares even when his girlfriend is around...i'm on the verge of digging his eyes out, then he moved out.
Good for him...
Oh well...i guess that i'm just unlucky...

So i decided to take a break and surf the net.
Tyra Banks...isn't she gorgeous...*sign*


People have been speculating that her boobs are fake...well...go check it out yourself. It's in one of her talk shows.

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:01 PM


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