Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I was reading this article on MSN about - 'The Courage To Trust'.
I found it really meaningful and it applies to everyone out there.
So take a moment and read it...

No one is born knowing how to trust. Life gives us many teachers, some caring and others cruel. Few of us receive a solid base of trust as children. Even fewer are taught how to trust ourselves. Regardless of the lessons we each received, we need to learn how to trust as adults.

But we don't have to be condemned by our early life experiences. Trust is a skill to be learned and a choice to be made. It's a gift to be shared with those who appreciate its importance.

Trust is also fragile and must be handled with great care. Careless words and impulsive actions can easily damage trust. Some decide early in life to seldom trust anyone, keeping their authentic selves hidden from any possibility of rejection or betrayal. This is a safe but narrow path.

Wisdom comes from taking the risk to reach out and trust others, although we know that we're likely to make some mistakes and we know that the bond of trust may not last forever. This is where courage comes into play. Why? Because it takes courage to confide in others. When we let down our guard in the hopes of a compassionate response, we take the risk that others may judge us. With a shift of the emotional current, the door of tenderness may shut, and support transforms to criticism. If continued betrayals happen to us over time, the world may seem filled with potential dangers, and we'll be tempted to limit how vulnerable we dare to be.

Confronting these fears takes deliberate and brave efforts. Those who had relatively painless childhoods still may find that even the most trusted people can fail them. Friends and lovers say unkind things. Lust runs over commitment. Employers make bad decisions and go bankrupt, costing people their jobs. Selfish desires often override promises made to others.

Almost everyone, at one point or another, will be betrayed of their trust for others, may it be colleagues, friends, love ones or family members. It takes time to forgive and almost forever to forget.

It's hard, i understand, to bring oneself to build trust again upon another individual once you've been hurt so deeply.

But, just like what the article states, "we don't have to be condemned by our early life experiences. Trust is a skill to be learned and a choice to be made. It's a gift to be shared with those who appreciate its importance."

How true...

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 3:24 PM


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