Sunday, November 06, 2005


wow!! Elodie delivered me some of the egg tarts she baked yesterday...yumyum!!
There're four...yes...the greedy me took one before this picture...

This is her first attempt in baking egg tarts and i think she did quite a good job! The bottom crust is a little too thick but it still tastes good. Thanks Elo!! *HUGZ* SHe told me she baked those till 5am!!

She also baked raspberry and chocolate cheesecake the other day...*drool* didn't get to taste it but i'm going to learn from her after the exams!!

Anyone out there knows how to bake an yummy-melt-in-your-mouth tiramisu?? Can someone teach me please....i love tiramisu...*DRooooollll* The first tiramisu I've tasted was in a restaurant in Bugis (no longer there) and it was two-thumbs up...yumyum


The other day, on my way to school, i saw this huge crow terrorizing this poor bird...

The crows here are huge...twice the size of Sg crows...scary...

They are known to take revenge if you in anyway angered its better to stay far far away from them...OR Somebody gonna get a-hurt realll badd...

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 12:42 PM


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