Monday, January 02, 2006


I applaud xiaxue on her post on molesting.
Girls out there really need to open up their eyes when they go out,
especially to those places with lots of foreign workers.
I too had some experience with those workers especially blangahs.
Although not to the extend of being flashed or to witness the sight of masturbating individuals in public areas.
I tend to give them the 'get-the-fuck-away-from-me' look when i'm out nowadays.
That 'look' seems to work pretty well...LOL

Staring incidents had happened on me one too many times.
As for physically,
I still remember this particular day when i was walking home at night.
I was...erm...i can't remember how old am i then but that happened when i was in poly *i think*
So i was crossing the bridge and was walking on the extreme left side of the bridge.
I saw 2 blangahs walking in opposite direction and they are walk on the the other extreme side of the bridge.
I ignored them and continued walking
When we getting nearing to each other, one of the blangahs suddenly came slamming his whole damn body onto me and ran off.
That happened so quickly that i don't even have the time to react.
The other blangah just stared at me and walked off.

Bloody hell...
Their boss ought to buy them each a plastic, inflatable doll.
The area where i live has quite a big community of blangahs roaming around at night,
drinking along back alleys in small groups and some are even caught taking drugs.
Lucky me, I have Jason to send me home everyday at night.
I once went to a new year's countdown at Suntec (millennium),
and from then onwards,
I never ever join in any countdown events at any crowded places.
Basically, if you (girls) feels like being touch anywhere and everywhere,
feel free to go to these countdown events.

There's another incident when i was at home alone with Tinky at night.
I don't remember where my brothers and mum were,
but my dad was out, playing squash with his friends.
I was downstairs and then i hard a soft knocking on the back door.
I panicked...thinking it was some...well you know.
I immediately went upstairs and calmed myself down.
I then went down again as i managed to convince myself it was my imagination.
Once i was down, the knocking begins again.
The blangah made some sounds *i think* and that was when i realised that the something i imagined was actually a blangah!!
Luckily my dad came home soon after,
I told my dad and he switched on the lights downstairs and proceeded upstairs to the balcony quietly. (So that he won't be able to see us when we go upstairs)
Then he saw a bloody blangah climbing on the back door looking into our house.
I guess he got a shock of his life when my dad shouted at him and scrambled off.

The next incident is a case of the peeping tom.
We are not aware of this peeping tom at all until one day,
my mum saw this hand-print (obviously a man's) on the wall

My toilet's window is not a see through kind so we deemed that we're not the victim.

According to my mum's 'investigation',

my neighbour's maid usually bath at night and with the toilet's window open slightly.

We warned the maid but we never get to catch the peeping tom red handed.

Well, what can i say...

alot of them are horny bastards?

Girls out there,

just be more street-wise and don't allow any males,

be it foreign or local,

to take advantage of you.

If anything happens, just scream your lungs out.

As for me, screaming is not my forte.

I'll go straight for their balls and let them do the screaming...

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:16 AM


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