Monday, April 03, 2006


Its Mondayyy againnn...
Where did the weekend go???
Went to school today and handed in my first piece of assignment.
One load off my shoulder.

I prefer to work than to study, frankly speaking.
I know lots of people who tell me,
"How lucky! How I wish I'm still studying."
I mean,
can anyone tell me the good points in studying,
other than gaining knowledge and learning things
(with a high chance of not being able to apply it in a job)
and to get a piece of paper
(which just acts as a prove to a employer,
proclaiming that i've studied for so long and spent so much money,
so u better employ me and give me back what's i've spent on my almost 20 years of education!)

There are many similarities in working life and studying life such as stress, deadlines etc.
In working life,
you get to earn your own money,
the joy of seeing your bank account every month end,
the pleasure in spending your money is whatever way you deem fit.

I admit that THERE ARE serveral factors which i oh-so-detest in working life,
Office Politics
Finger Pointers aka Blamers
Bosses who do nothing other than ordering employees around.
Bosses who knows nothing and only listens to what his/her assistance says.

Oh well,
i might change my point of view in years to come.
Just like how i wish to grow up in a nick of time when i was young
and now,
i wish to go back to those young, carefree days. ironic...
*weak smile*

here some office 'tips' for all working people out there.

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 4:11 PM


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