Wednesday, May 16, 2007

chain letters and superstition

I am so sick of chain letters.
They are just R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S
Not only are people who believe in those chain letters extremely superstitious,
they are naive.
I mean...who the **** created those chain letters?!?!?!
Chain letters have now 'upgraded' themselves, so to speak.
You no longer receive them only in emails.
I see them in Friendster and even receive them in the form of msn messages.
Example of one:

Because u opened this u will get Kissed on friday by the LuV of ur life dont break the chain cuz ur crush will ask u out n 2 morrow wil be the best day of ur life howeva if u dont send this to 10 ppl by 11 tonight: u wil have bad luck for the rest of ur life Just copy n paste

Tell me seriously.
Do you actually believe in it?

I've read hundreds of chain letters in my life,
and I did NOT forward most of them.
(i did resend my first few chain letters...yeah i'm rather stupid to believe in it then)
And there's no strange evil force from who-knows-where punishing me since I did not obey.
So don't fall for chain letters.

But if you don't cut and paste this blog and put it on your blog or email or msn or whatever,
and forward it to 10000 people,
lighting will strike,
you won't be able to blink for life,
your nose and armpit hair will grow 1000x longer every morning and
your boss will reduce your salary to $4.12 a day.
And if you do,
you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.

Another absurd superstition - car plate numbers.

Here's a true story:
XX was looking for a second-hand car.
Saw one which he really likes.
But there's one problem.
The car plate number has a '4' in it.
What wrong with '4'? some may ask.
Because, when said in mandarin, '4' and 'die' sounds alike.
In the end,
XX bought another car.
he hates the car plate.
Because the numbers add up to '13'.
So he bought a new car plate (with a new number of course).
With a '6' in it.
I assume he's happy with it since '6', when said in hokkien sounds like 'luck'.
But not until i saw it LOL.
Before i even see those number,
i told myself that i will go all out to use +, -, x, /, square root, square or what ever mathematical formula available on those numbers and make them '13'.
Or even '4'.
Yeah i'm mean.
Who cares...
In the end,
it really didn't take much effort to 'convert' his car plate numbers into '13'.
Just simple (A x B - C).
What worse,
jason also came up with another simple calculation to make them '13'.
We told XX.
XX --> speechless.
That moment...that look on his face...priceless.

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 8:01 PM


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