I'm not sure if it's mosquite.
I thought it was.
And i did not scratch it!
I ease the itch by scratching around it.
it looked just like a normal mosquito,
a red itchy bump.
Then couple of days ago,
i saw that there's a little fluid right in the middle of the bump.
I did not touch it.
Then i took a shower and accidenly scratch it while scrubbing myself.
It bled a little.
I know...it looks disgusting!!!
It's like a hole in the middle!
It doesn't look like a normal mosquito bite to me.
It's still itchy.
What should i do?
Calamine lotion?
Emm....don't think that's mosquito bite though, should heal in a week or so I think. How about handyplast?
Doreen, at
7:13 AM
yeah i thought so. but it's been there for more than a week. I'll see if it gets better these few days. Will a bandaid help? it's just to prevent me from scratching it?
Belinda + Zee, at
10:36 AM
dunno if bandaid help or not. It prevents you from scratching but cannot cure itchiness. Emm.....how about rubbing some tiger bam on it? You know this chinese cream right?
Doreen, at
4:33 PM
Yep i know tiger balm. But it's so expensive here :( I think it's healing already so i'll see how it goes.
Thanks Doreen!! (0^_^0)
Belinda + Zee, at
5:20 PM
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