Tuesday, July 24, 2007
back in brizzie once again...
I'm in Brizzie once again.
The flight back was rather boring and tiring.
Coz have to transit in Perth.
I thought (and was told) that I need not worry about my laguage as it'll be transported onto the transit flight by the airport.
But i was so wrong.
And the transit flight that i board from Perth has no personal telly!
Luckily I have a story book with me.
I was so tired by the time i reach Brisbane as the whole trip took me 12hrs+.
So much to do when i got back.
our old second-hand fridge spoilt.
So we have to buy another one.
Then we have to buy groceries,
unpack my stuff, meet lecturer etcetc.
no time now.
I'll blog again when i have the time.
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 12:27 AM
Sorry to hear about the fridge. You must be dead tired now. Have a good sleep tonight then. (^_^)
Doreen, at
5:46 PM
*sigh* back luck really...in my first year of uni, my washing machine was spoilt and it leak till almost the whole house was wet. It took daysss for the carpet to dry off. After drying off, the carpet had a weird stench and isn't soft anymore. That was the old apartment anyway. Now, it's the fridge in the new apartment arrgghhh
Belinda + Zee, at
12:04 PM
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