Why didn't i charge the battery the night before?
Ok maybe i can snap a few animals before it totally give up on me', I told myself.
So it was those pointed mouth crocs (forgot the name) first.
eewww...ugly...so no pictures taken to save my precious battery for something better.
Next we saw the magnificent white tiger!
Must take must take!!
This tiger was just walking up and down the stream of water.
Nothing better to do.
I suddenly feel so fortunate to have internet access at home LOL.
The battery is blinking at me again.
okok switched off my camera again.
Then we walked past a tree and there was this 'wild' monkey sitting right there.
So that's the last picture i took in Singapore Zoo and we're only at the beginning!
We were there for a good 2hrs+.
Jason developed a headache because the weather was really hot.
we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless.
It was a good exercise too kekekeke
so...no more picture of animals.
picture of a crumbled piece of Singapore Zoo map.
Taken at home after i charged my battery :p.
Better than nothing la hor.
hmm...that orang utan must be Ah-Meng.
he icon of Singapore Zoo, so-to-speak.
Our trip to the zoo ended with a cup of Ben&Jerry's,
which by the way was disappointing.
It was my first try at Ben&Jerry's and i ordered Strawberry Cheesecake flavoured ice-cream.
Not nice :(
And veryyy expensive.
Jason got the Cookie Dough and it was aalllllright.
nothing to shout about really.
Or maybe we ordered the wrong flavours.
Just maybe...
I really hate it when the battery dies on me right when I need it! The white tiger sooooo cute!
Doreen, at
4:17 PM
same!!! At times like that i really wish i had a spare battery with me.
Belinda + Zee, at
2:19 AM
you just got tagged, the 2nd time (^_^)
Doreen, at
7:08 PM
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