Sunday, September 30, 2007

holiday? what holiday?

Today marks the end of our mid semester break.

It's not much of a break anyway.


we did spend a day bbqing along the beach.

I was so busy eating that i didn't get to snap a photo of the beautiful beach and sunset.

Bbqing in Aussie is free unlike Singapore where you have to book in advance and pay.

Plus the bbq pit uses hot plate rather than charcoal.

Healthier but somehow charcoal bbq taste nicer.

And Clarence caught a crab.

Which later ended up in our tummy.


yeah...that bbq was the most eventful day of my holiday.

Other days are just plain boring,

pouring all my energy and time upon assignments.



i went out to do a survey with my group members too.

It's my first time approaching people along the streets for that.

Usually it's surveyors who approach me.

Now i understand how they feel.

Our target population: pensioners.

We thought we'll find them at a lawn bowls club.

We were wrong.

Oh well...

In the end,

we resort to approaching elderlys that crossed our paths as we walk aimlessly towards the Valley.

We met a vast array of people with different responses.

Some helpful, some skeptical (sad to say but most of them are asians) and some rude ones.

And our last pit stop,


This is where we collected most of our data and the last person we surveyed was lovely.

(Soft spoken Christine, me and the lovely old man; our 3rd group member, Monica, took this photo)

Thank you Monica for the photos!

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 10:51 AM


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