Monday, December 31, 2007

The last day of 2007

Today's the last day of 2007.
A good time to reflect on what I've done for the past 12 months,
and think of what my resolutions are for the next 12 months.
  1. Adopt a healtier lifestyle (Eat healthy - less junk food; Sleep healthy - sleep early, wake up early and have 7-8hrs of sleep each day; and....exercise - maybe i'll start off with core secrets).
  2. Must remember to moisturize from face to toe and apply sunscreen everyday.
  3. Get all 7s for my IELTS
  4. Find a good full-time job in my field of study
  5. Go for a holiday (maybe Taiwan? heeheehee~)
  6. Try to be more positive and cheerful

There...6 resolutions for now.

Who knows...maybe another few resolutions will pop up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after yada yada...hehe so what are your 2008 resolutions?

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:55 PM


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