Monday, December 31, 2007
The last day of 2007
Today's the last day of 2007.
A good time to reflect on what I've done for the past 12 months,
and think of what my resolutions are for the next 12 months.
Adopt a healtier lifestyle (Eat healthy - less junk food; Sleep healthy - sleep early, wake up early and have 7-8hrs of sleep each day; and....exercise - maybe i'll start off with core secrets).
Must remember to moisturize from face to toe and apply sunscreen everyday.
Get all 7s for my IELTS
Find a good full-time job in my field of study
Go for a holiday (maybe Taiwan? heeheehee~)
Try to be more positive and cheerful
There...6 resolutions for now.
Who knows...maybe another few resolutions will pop up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after yada yada...hehe so what are your 2008 resolutions?
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:55 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Home to the heat...
Merry Xmas peepz!!!
Sorry for the late greetings but i've been busy the moment i reach Singapore.

Jason's drawing on his calendar...
The heat almost consumed me when i stepped out of the airport.
So what have I done for the past couple of days...?
Then more eating...more shopping...and more buying...
(side track: I forgot to bring back my mouse (*_*). It's so troublesome to use the mouse control on my labtop! ggrrrr...)
1st night:
Dinner with my family and cousin.
2nd day:
Breakfast with my family.
Omg...i ate a bowl of prawn noodle that costed me a grand total of....$2!!!!!!
Beat that muahahahaha
Then we bought some snacks home...

Ang Ku Kuey with sweet peanut filling...yum
It's dyed red for good luck (according to Chinese traditions).
Soft...chewy...sweet and fragrant..hhmmmm....

Spicy fish otah...double yum...
Otah is a mixture of fish paste (usually mackerel) and spices including chillies, garlic, shallots, turmeric, lemon grass and coconut milk. The mixture is wrapped in a banana leaf then grilled.
Carrot cake fingers!!
Crispy on the outside and soft in the inside.
Then dinner with Sally, Angel and Jeff at a Jap restaurant.
Thank you Sally and Angel for my birthday cum christmas prezzie!!
I'll post up more photos soon...
Got to go eat somemore now muahahahaha
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 11:13 AM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I'm such an insensitive fool sometimes...
Have you ever said things to people then regret immediately?
I may feel frustrated, I may feel tired after a long day at work.
Customers may be unreasonable and may have said things that pissed me off but that doesn't give me any reason to allow my emotions affect people around me.
Everytime I said something I didn't mean to,
no matter how minor it was,
I'll feel bad for days on end.
Here's what happened...
The crowd was crazy.
It doesn't seem to end and we don't have sufficient staffs.
We have to work really fast.
I was working on one end and she on the other.
Working as fast as i could but seeing her move somewhat leisurely frustrates me.
There's one time where she just stood there with a Sub in front of her,
while there are 2 Subs are toasting in oven.
Instead saving time and start working on the Sub in front of her,
she simply stood there, not moving.
Without thinking,
i asked her, "Why aren't you working on the salad?"
The moment it came out of my mouth,
I regretted it.
No matter how nicely i said it,
I still feel like hitting myself for being so insensitive.
Who am i to question her?
Yes, it may be busy but everyone has their own speed and way of working.
Sometimes i wish i can turn back time and think before i speak.
I'll have to try to watch my speech more carefully.
I want to appologize to her but the next time i work would be 1 month later.
I guess the appology will come 1 month late.
Better late than never...
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 11:52 AM
Friday, December 21, 2007
National Treasure - Book of secrets
Went shopping yesterday to get some biscuits for my brother.
It was so crowded and everyone's busy with their Xmas shopping.
But we came out of the shopping mall empty handed (except for 12 rolls of toilet paper).
I was disappointed to see those biscuit shelves near empty.
They don't have the flavor i'm after.
Not wanting that to be a wasted trip,
we decided to catch a movie.
The premiere of...
Sorry for the low quality picture.
And guess what...they finally introduced the 'allocated seats system' after so long!

I thought the movie's pretty good, though the first one's better.
And Nicolas Cage's hair looked ssoooo ugly in this movie!
Man...they should have done something about it.

Random pic...i just find it cute hee~
While we were on the way to the cinema,
we were handed 2 vouchers to redeem free chips!
I love free things ahahahahaha
damn cheapo right.

2 free bags of chip, courtesy of Grill'd.
*Thick chips with Grill'd herb mix and salt*
I think they are a relatively new eating place that sells burgers.
Looking at their menu,

they burgers are way too expensive!!!
An average of $10-11 per burger with no sides and drinks?
Unless their burgers are big enough for 2, then i'll eat there one day.
Otherwise I don't think you'll see me there but thanks for the free chips though :p

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 9:47 AM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
For my love...
Look what i bought for Tinky this time...
Nice or not?
She drives my family crazy with squeaky toys.
She gets a kick out of 'squeaking' her new toy for days till my parents (and even my grandma and maid) go "Aiyo!!! Tinky ar, chao shi ren la!"
Or they'll go " Tinky! Very noisy leh u!"
To which Tinky will pause for a few seconds, look up innocently with her big 'puppy eyes', then totally ignore them and continue to squeak happily away.

I find that pretty funny ahahahaha
Until the noise get to me then i'll remove the squeak and silent the toy forever.
But she'll still love the toy after it's silent nonetheless.
But her favourite toy of all time is...
tennis ball.
It's hard to find mini-sized tennis balls in Sg.
So i'll definately buy some for her eveytime i go back.
And because she destroys a ball in a matter of hours.
I usually buy a few back.
Hopefully these extra strength tennis balls can last her more than a day.
Can't wait to see her...
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 8:46 AM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
hehehe I realised that i didn't explain clearly as to why we were so desperate to move out of our previous apartment (which we loveeee).
It's because of the owners of the place.
They wanted to move back in hence we have to move out.
And even if they're not intending to move in and we renew our contract,
the rent would raise $50-$70 per week all due to the fact that rental property is in high demand now.
That's a huge jump.
Plus we're just students (not those rich ones :p)
So bo bian la...have to move out.
The internet's finally up and running.
So here's the full update of my house moving.
It's gonna be a long long story.
Or you can also call it my long long whinging story.
As I've mentioned previously,
we found our current apartment when we were almost homeless.
...3 days before we were homeless to be exact...
We sent out about 6 rental applications but only one got back to us.
So we grabbed it without further hesitation.

But the owner was still refurbishing the apartment so we can only move our things into the garage...which is really dodgy...and quite dirty...and shared!!

You know what's worse?
There's a light bulb there but nobody can find the switch to turn the light on.
Even , Lourn, the new owner of the place,
has no idea where the switch is.
So it's pitch dark inside at night.
Everytime before we move,we have to thoroughly clean up the place and get the carpet professionally cleaned before handing it over.
It's the standard procedure.
We were planning to get someone to clean it up like our first place but to no avail.
We got the carpet cleaner though.
So no choice lor...have to DIY.
It woudn't be that difficult and tiring if both of us aren't working or have one extra day to do it.
To make things worse,
my hands are sensitive to one of the cleaning agents.
At first it was painful, then rashes developed (it's really very itchy wor), after that my hands became so dry it started to crack.
Very pain...
there's more to come.
While Jason's friends are helping us to move our stuff from the garage up to the new apartment,
the staircase creaked when they are carrying the heavy stuff (fridge, washing machine etc).
And this @$#^*& neighbour complained that our moving is causing the staircase to make too much noise.
Wa piang...
like that also want to complain.
What does he expect us to do?
Use a forklift or a crane?
Fly like Nathan Petrelli?
And guess what,
the neighbour that complained is an asian.
*roll eyes*
It's these kind of people that create a bad name for all asians...seriously.
Anyway, back to the story.
Lourn knows that we need to move in quickly so he did his renovation late into the night.
By late i mean like 4am.
So nice of him.
But he did not clean up the place!
We (or mainly me coz Jason's working) have to clean AGAIN.
My poor hands.
But i bought long rubber gloves for cleaning this time round muahahaha.
The oven was the most disgusting.
The inside of the oven door was yellowish brown.
So you can imagine how dirty the oven was.
I have to remove all the racks and flood the oven with oven cleaning for hours to clean it.
And i have to do that TWICE so now the inside is finally clean.
The carpet too.
even though it brand new,
all those renovations made it really dusty and dirty.
The windows weren't clean too.
Having fly screens are as good as not having any as parts of it are torn along the edges.
Flys and creepycrawlies are coming in still.
Like this fella here...
The dryer too...the moment we open the door,
dust 'flew' out, literally.
Man...sorry my whining seems to have no end kekekeke
okok one last thing,
the curtains, or lack thereof.
We have to use make-shift curtains for the past 2 weeks,
Those window 'curtains' are just sheets of paper held up by double-sided tape.
The balcony curtains are 2 big sheets of white cloth held up by some clips, a wire and 2 nails.
The toilet, has NO curtains at all.
Me and Jason felt so 'naked' when we bathe even though the windows are ripple-translucent kind.
Hence we have to put up a huge piece of cardboard.
Oh well...
enough of my complains.
Here's some random photos.

Our open concept mail box.
There's no lock no nothing.
We got ourselves a PO box.
Don't want our important mails to be stolen or wet by the rain.

Communities of spiders living in between trees.
That sent shivers down my spine...
Oh, did i mention the area is kind of creepy at night?
Here's why...

Creepy no?
Looks like a scene from a horror movie to me.
We have no idea what that dark place is.
It looks like a scary, abandoned storage area.
Back to the house.

The best part of the house is the kitchen.
Most people who came to our place will say, "i like your kitchen!"
view from the balcony

We're right in front of the road.
It can get really really noisy during peak hours.
We're still getting use to it.
Compared to my previous place.

Peace and serenity...
I miss our old place so much.
But overall,
our new place isn't all that bad lar.
I'm happy to have a place to stay.
Mental note to myself: beggars can't be choosers...
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 5:55 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
quick update
I decide to do a quick update...
It was so hard to find a rental property now.
We couldn't find one and were almost homeless.
We were even planning to stay at a backpackers and store our stuffs in a storage place until we find a place but in the end,
we managed to secure our current place only a couple of days before we need to move out from our old place.
The new place is kind of like a downgrade and even a little scary at night (from the outside)...but oh well...beggars can't be choosers i suppose.
I'll upload photos soon and you'll know what i mean.
However, we still spent a couple of days in a motel before moving in as the owner is still renovating the house.
I really want to thank Jeremy, Clarence, Augustin and Eamon for helping us with the moving.
On top of all those crazy days of moving and cleaning and moving and cleaning,
we were busy with our work and all.
I'm so broke now...haiz...
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:50 PM
Hey peepz,
sorry for not updating.
Moved to a new place recently and we've got no internet yet.
I'll update as soon as the internet's up!
I'll post some photos of our new place soon ;)
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:40 PM