Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Finally got the camera wire from Jason.
Here's the pics!!
Baby Caden!

Baby Caden with mummy...(who refuses to look up lol)
Baby Caden with Aunty Sally...
They were telling Baby Caden, "Here's Aunty Liwan...".
I felt 10yrs older instantly. *pengz*

Caden looked so much like his daddy.
But he's got thick eyebrowns, just like 'la bi xiao xin' LOL
He's so cute!!
I took some pictures of Tinky too!

She loves sleeping underneath my blanket beside me...


*blurz* Woke up with a silver rectanglar thingy staring into her face...

Starts to check it out and realised that it's a camera...
So she decided to pose specially for the camera..
Presenting....the famous Paris Hilton pose!!!!

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 2:41 AM
Monday, November 28, 2005
First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS WAIWAH!! For being able to put on your contact lenses, at last! WHAHAHAHAHA
*ahem* *thou shall not laugh at people* LOL
Went to Angel's place this morning and met up with the new kid on the block, Caden Yeo.
He's four months old but he's already 8kg!!
Guess it's the genes...LOL
He has Jeffery's features and size...
Can't update the photos now, will update soon!
Oh, we played mahjong too!!! Its being so so long since i last play, and i lost $2.80...kekeke
Angel is the sole winner of the day. Poor Jeffery, the biggest loser wahahaha
I'm going for an interview at an agency tomorrow afternoon. Hope i can get a job real soon. My bro was saying, "You better get a job real fast if you don't want to listen to mum's nagging!"
He finally experienced the full power of my mum's naggings after i left for Brizzie. I guess my mum divert all those naggings towards both my brothers while i'm away. He was telling me, "I finally know how you felt..."
At last...*evil laugh*
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 12:55 AM
Thursday, November 24, 2005
home sweet home
YAY!!! I'M BACK!!!
home sweet home...but Singapore's weather is damn freaking HOT!!!!!
need some rest now...
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:32 PM
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
We went for some last minute shopping at Indooroopilly today and drop by a bank (shall not disclose the bank's name) to deposit our bottle full of $2 coins...
That is where we met a super-duper-rude-bitch-who-think-she-is-some-big-fuck-bank-teller. We spoke to her nicely that we want to deposit those coins and immediately she claimed that they charge a fee unless we pre-pack those coins ourselves (in a fucking rude manner).
Fine, we ask her how much will they charge. She replies rudely again, “I DON'T have to time to do it.".....????????????? WTF? She continues, "If you want, you can sit at one corner to count the coins yourselves and I can give you the bags to pack those coins in."
So you are trying to say that you work for the bank and you don't have the time to do your job???
Hey, lady...I have worked in customer service line since my poly days, that is like 6yrs, FYI, and that is NOT the way you treat a customer!
The only reason we can think of for her to be so fucking rude is RACISM...
We tried to speak to her nicely again but she repeats herself "I DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO DO IT." She is simply trying to shut and shoo us off. We thanked her and walked away.
If you tell us in a nice way that you are really busy and ask if we can help to sort the coins out instead, we'll fully understand and accept it.
You have NO reason to be rude BITCH!
Damn … both Jason and me were fuming mad...we decided to go back and talk to another person to sort things out. So we manage to speak to another teller, Bryan*, and he was really nice. I do not care whether he is pretending to sympathize with us or not, as least, he is doing his job and he is doing it well.
While he was searching the rate the bank will charge us for sorting the coins out for us, another bank teller walked over and told him, "Bitch* says she won't do it." (Bitch* happens to be the rude lady that served us previously)!
She dares to say that right in front of us! &*%^#$@
Bryan* was really nice. He cooled us down and did the sorting out for us while we pick up some stuff for Jason's mum. He told us later that the rude lady still think she NOT rude to us at all and even advise us to call customer service so that the manager will know about this matter.
Damn...I know that not all Australians are racist but I have met my fair share of people who are.
Racist people need some serious brainwashing.
You are not the only 'type' of species living on the planet. Wake up...
It is time for you to look around and realize that you are surrounded by Asian countries and you will see an Asian not matter where you go.
You are NOT the greatest species in the whole wide world...
*Name has been changed.
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 4:47 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005
time flies...
Went Elo's place for dinner was good...yum :p
Thanks Elo and her cousin for the dinner!!
Time flies so feels like i've reached Brizzie only yesterday.
But i'll be going home in a couple of days...
Felt really weird yet excited by the thought of going home...i don't know why.
Got a long list of 'TO-DOs' tomorrow...but most importantly, got to talk to my landlord.
Then shopping for stuff to buy back to Singapore and back to packing...
Oh by the way, i'll be using back my old number when i'm back. So remember to call me!!
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 11:39 PM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
We went harbour town today!!
The weather was perfect, 22°C, although there's slight drizzle here and there...
Bought lot of things *hehe* ...but none of myself :(
We went to the Nike warehouse...

Bought some tees for my bro and a top for Sally. Hope she likes it...coz i didn't get her a birthday present this year...*guilty* :p
Bought something for Tinky too!!

TOYS!!!! wahahaha
I wanted to get her some snacks but there's not much to choose from.
Singapore has a much wider range of doggie snacks...
Jason went fishing the other day and he caught 6 fishes!!
The biggest he caught that day was...

a huge, 10.5 pounds, barramundi!!
The wind was quite strong that day that's why his hair was standing at one side kekeke
He was so excited when he came home, describing the whole process of how he caught that biggie...
His friend once caught a barramundi of almost half my weight!! 20kg!!!
That's about 4x the size of the barramundi you see above!!!!!!!
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:19 PM
Monday, November 14, 2005
yay! YAY!! YAY!!! YAY!!!!
Exam's over!!!!!!!!!
Went to catch a movie after my last paper today...
I was expecting more from this movie but...its not too bad still.
Marlene Lawston is so cute so pretty!!
I guess this show is out in the cinemas in Singapore quite some time ago. Australia is always late!!
Oh, btw, it's free-sitting here! You can go in as and when you like and take any sit you like, there's not sit allocation like Singapore.
This concept will never work in Singapore!! All we'll see is a long queue of 'kiasu' people, waiting to go into the cinema 45mins before the movie starts. And when it comes to your turn to get in the cinema, all you'll see are tissues, umbrellas, water and snacks on all the good seats as people 'CHOP' seats for their friends!! case anyone doesn't know, to 'CHOP' seats (in Singapore) means to occupy the seats on behalf of their friends with anything as simple as a packet of embarrassing...but that's what a Singaporean is like.
After that, we went to Blockbuster to rent DVDs!!

Rented a total of 14 DVDs for 7 days!! Its gonna be a movie marathon week for me!!
I think i'm turning into a couch potato buahahaha
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 9:58 PM
Sunday, November 13, 2005
What the **@...
Just realised yesterday that i nearly lose Tinky...luckily they found her...

I was so angry with my cousin for not closing the gate...
I'm not afraid of people picking her up, but i'm afriad of cars. She's so small, drivers won't be able to see her!!
I can't bear the thought losing her...
Thank god they found her!!!
How the hell did David Blaine pull this trick off?????
and this
Go watch Derren Brown too...he damn good...
how the hell did he do it all??? Scary...
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:43 PM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I found it really meaningful and it applies to everyone out there.
So take a moment and read it...
No one is born knowing how to trust. Life gives us many teachers, some caring and others cruel. Few of us receive a solid base of trust as children. Even fewer are taught how to trust ourselves. Regardless of the lessons we each received, we need to learn how to trust as adults.
But we don't have to be condemned by our early life experiences. Trust is a skill to be learned and a choice to be made. It's a gift to be shared with those who appreciate its importance.
Trust is also fragile and must be handled with great care. Careless words and impulsive actions can easily damage trust. Some decide early in life to seldom trust anyone, keeping their authentic selves hidden from any possibility of rejection or betrayal. This is a safe but narrow path.
Wisdom comes from taking the risk to reach out and trust others, although we know that we're likely to make some mistakes and we know that the bond of trust may not last forever. This is where courage comes into play. Why? Because it takes courage to confide in others. When we let down our guard in the hopes of a compassionate response, we take the risk that others may judge us. With a shift of the emotional current, the door of tenderness may shut, and support transforms to criticism. If continued betrayals happen to us over time, the world may seem filled with potential dangers, and we'll be tempted to limit how vulnerable we dare to be.
Confronting these fears takes deliberate and brave efforts. Those who had relatively painless childhoods still may find that even the most trusted people can fail them. Friends and lovers say unkind things. Lust runs over commitment. Employers make bad decisions and go bankrupt, costing people their jobs. Selfish desires often override promises made to others.
Almost everyone, at one point or another, will be betrayed of their trust for others, may it be colleagues, friends, love ones or family members. It takes time to forgive and almost forever to forget.
It's hard, i understand, to bring oneself to build trust again upon another individual once you've been hurt so deeply.
But, just like what the article states, "we don't have to be condemned by our early life experiences. Trust is a skill to be learned and a choice to be made. It's a gift to be shared with those who appreciate its importance."
How true...
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 3:24 PM
Monday, November 07, 2005
I'm having my second paper feels like i'm caught in this exam fever for months but my first paper was only 1 week ago...
I'm feeling bored and not in the mood to study; in addition, listening to my neighbours ( 2 girls from china) non-stop blabbering, shifts my mood towards being crabby...*pulls hair*
Can't they stop talking for a while, or at least lower down their volume...???
If you know the way china people talk, you'll understand how i feel now.
I've nothing against china people, but they simply don't know when to stop talking or talk softly...
Our previous neighbours (a couple from Taiwan...i guess) love to slam their doors and invite friends to their apartment. The guy loves to sing loudly in the middle of the night and stares even when his girlfriend is around...i'm on the verge of digging his eyes out, then he moved out.
Good for him...
Oh well...i guess that i'm just unlucky...
So i decided to take a break and surf the net.
Tyra Banks...isn't she gorgeous...*sign*

People have been speculating that her boobs are fake...well...go check it out yourself. It's in one of her talk shows.
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 6:01 PM
Sunday, November 06, 2005
wow!! Elodie delivered me some of the egg tarts she baked yesterday...yumyum!!
There're four...yes...the greedy me took one before this picture...
This is her first attempt in baking egg tarts and i think she did quite a good job! The bottom crust is a little too thick but it still tastes good. Thanks Elo!! *HUGZ* SHe told me she baked those till 5am!!
She also baked raspberry and chocolate cheesecake the other day...*drool* didn't get to taste it but i'm going to learn from her after the exams!!
Anyone out there knows how to bake an yummy-melt-in-your-mouth tiramisu?? Can someone teach me please....i love tiramisu...*DRooooollll* The first tiramisu I've tasted was in a restaurant in Bugis (no longer there) and it was two-thumbs up...yumyum
The other day, on my way to school, i saw this huge crow terrorizing this poor bird...

The crows here are huge...twice the size of Sg crows...scary...
They are known to take revenge if you in anyway angered its better to stay far far away from them...OR Somebody gonna get a-hurt realll badd...
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 12:42 PM
Saturday, November 05, 2005
It's 5.15am and i'm at Uni's computer lab studying.
My next paper's on the 8th Nov...i look like a zombie...going home soon...
Oh...I've confirmed my return date. It'll be 23rd November, but will reach Singapore on the 24th.
Have to call mum and dad tomorrow to inform them...
Can't wait...I miss Tinky ssssooooooo much...and I miss Singapore food terribly too!!!
Hey guys, if you want anything from brizzie, let me know ok. I'll try my best to get them!!
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 5:11 AM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Had my first paper yesterday. It did not go very well. I don't have sufficient time to finish the paper...not to mention the time to check through my paper.
I hate exams that give people insufficient time to finish it. Moreover, the paper wasn't easy too. I think i crapped up. After the exam, i met up with Elodie and it seems like we have different answers. We asked other people and they too got different answers!!
Ok...seems like everybody crapped up on this exam...lets just hope that there's moderation...
I just want to pass!!!! There's not sub-paper like in poly days and i studied real hard for all my papers, and I don't want to disappoint my parents too... :(
Last semester, i got 1 pass (for anatomy -- "Understanding Disease Concepts"...never studied biology before so i find it damn hard with all those termsssss to learn), 2 credits and 1 distinction. I'm just hoping i can get the same results this semester too...
Yeah...i results last semester wasn't good but hey...its not easy. I studies engineering in Singapore Poly and now i'm taking Health Science. It's a big switch. Plus I'm not like those people who get distinctions with a snap of their matter how hard i work...i guess i'm plain stupid *bawl*....
Anyway, i just want to pass all my exams, get my degree, find a good job and repay my parents.
Thanks dad!! I know you've worked really hard all your life for this family and for me to come over to brizze to study. You're the best!!! *HUGZ*
Got to go study for the next paper...
Question: "What will happened to the sea level if you remove all the ships, boats, submarines etc from the sea? (Got this question from Brainiac...i don't think i'll make a big difference, only a slight drop in sea level i guess...what do you think?)
Posted by Belinda + Zee at 12:30 PM