Sunday, September 30, 2007

holiday? what holiday?

Today marks the end of our mid semester break.

It's not much of a break anyway.


we did spend a day bbqing along the beach.

I was so busy eating that i didn't get to snap a photo of the beautiful beach and sunset.

Bbqing in Aussie is free unlike Singapore where you have to book in advance and pay.

Plus the bbq pit uses hot plate rather than charcoal.

Healthier but somehow charcoal bbq taste nicer.

And Clarence caught a crab.

Which later ended up in our tummy.


yeah...that bbq was the most eventful day of my holiday.

Other days are just plain boring,

pouring all my energy and time upon assignments.



i went out to do a survey with my group members too.

It's my first time approaching people along the streets for that.

Usually it's surveyors who approach me.

Now i understand how they feel.

Our target population: pensioners.

We thought we'll find them at a lawn bowls club.

We were wrong.

Oh well...

In the end,

we resort to approaching elderlys that crossed our paths as we walk aimlessly towards the Valley.

We met a vast array of people with different responses.

Some helpful, some skeptical (sad to say but most of them are asians) and some rude ones.

And our last pit stop,


This is where we collected most of our data and the last person we surveyed was lovely.

(Soft spoken Christine, me and the lovely old man; our 3rd group member, Monica, took this photo)

Thank you Monica for the photos!

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 10:51 AM


Friday, September 21, 2007

my phones

I got tagged by Doreen,

wanting to know my mobile phone history.....

List down the following:
1. The phone(s) that you owned previously
2. The phone(s) that you're using now
3. The phone(s) that you're looking at to replace the current phone

I sat on my chair, trying to recall the model number of my very first mobile phone but to no avail.
Even the image of the phone was blurred.
I only know it's by Siemens,
it's yellow and black,
and it's shock-proof.

I tried my luck with google image but came up with nothing.
I guess not only is that model obsolete,
so is its picture.

The second phone i owned was

It was during my poly days when i had this piece.

I like the buttons of this phone.

Resembles a butterfly to me.

It's still a non-color phone,

except it has blue lights instead of the usual white.

And lastly,

my third phone,

also my current phone,

*pardon my obscene wallpaper...

It has been with me for 4+ years.

This phone never once failed me.

Very loyal, very durable, very user friendly.

And i thought it's incredible that the original screen protector is still there after all these years.

yeah...i've only had 3 phones till now.

I haven't given much thought as to which phone i would like to get to replace my current one.

Well, i will when i have the money to get one (=^_^=).

Or...anyone wants to sponsor me a new one?


Posted by Belinda + Zee at 3:16 PM


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 hands!!!

Argghh...dryness...Hate it.

It been ssooo dry recently.

So it's statics galore.

And my hands...

It's so dry, it hurts.

I don't have the habit of bringing a tube of hand cream with me when i go out.

So they became really dry and cracked.

Now my hands have rough red patches and they hurt.


Can't really see it in the pictures.

But it's a lesson learnt.

I better bring a tube of moisturiser wherever I go from now on...

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 12:28 AM


Friday, September 14, 2007

welcome to the world Elson Teh


I'm so happy for you guys!!
remember to pamper your wife k.
For all the hard work,
from pregnancy to labour,
and the many years of child care ahead.
remember the photos!!!
Can't meet baby Elson personally so photos are the next best thing!!
Good job guys!!!

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 4:57 PM


Monday, September 10, 2007

reflections part 1

It has never being easy studying here.
Everyone thinks it’s ‘a walk in the park’.
Even my Dad felt coming over here is like taking a long holiday.
It saddens me.
Quoting from a guy I recently got to know,
“before coming over here, everyone told me it’s gonna be easy.
But it’s the total opposite.”
I agreed.
It was never easy.
Having to handle everything myself.
From familiarizing the roads, Uni and accent to groceries shopping & bills to being discriminated to…you name it.
It felt like growing up again.
Growing up in a whole new world,
With a whole different culture.
Not knowing anyone but only Jason.
Thank god I have Jason by my side.
And I’m not one who approaches strangers and say ‘hi’ to begin with.
Surrounded by unknown faces.
I missed my family.
They who are not devious or pretentious.
They who know me and love me for whom I am.
I missed Tinky, my baby.
Those big round ‘puppy eyes’ and wet loving licks of hers.
She who may not talk human,
But quietly comforts me by staying by my side and loving me unconditionally.
I missed all my friends.
Friends who understand me.
Friends who appreciate me.
Friends who speak the same ‘language’ as me.
I felt so relieved to know Clarence was coming to Brisbane.
A familiar face at last.
True, I got to know new people here.
People from all round the world.
People of all race and religion.
People with all sorts of characters and personalities.
Some are nice and down to earth.
Others just make me wonder who they really are within.
Aren’t friends suppose to help each other out,
Rather than ingratiating with you if you are still of some use to him/her and throwing you aside when you are no longer needed?
It disgusts me to see how one can act like a retarded dog in front of someone,
Yet behaved like a pathetic jackass in front of another.

To be continued…

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 11:14 PM


Friday, September 07, 2007

uni at night

There goes another busy busy week...

And I've 2 assignments and 1 presentation due next week.

*pulls hair*

We headed over to Uni last night to bury ourselves in the piles and piles of work we need complete.

It was sooo freaking cold!!!

It has been raining for the past couple of days.

Suddenly, it doesn't feel like Spring anymore.


Give me back my Spring!!!

I love the computer lab at night.

Without all the crowd and noise.

Except for a group of loud China students who left after a while.

Thank god for that.

Why is it always the China people who get on my nerves?

Why are they so inconsiderate...or are they just living in a world of their own?

A study session outside is never complete without snacks and a flask of hot tea.

But we depleted our supplies by 3am.

And we need a hot cuppa tea.

So we braved the icy cold winds to get to the nearest hot drinks vending machine.

The rows and rows of vending machines that accompanied students throughout the night...

I love my campus.

Gives me a sense of serenity at night.

The wind stung me like needles so I had to snuggle into my jacket...


hahahaha Jason's face looked all frozen up LOL

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 4:29 PM


Saturday, September 01, 2007


It's the first day of Spring and i'm loving it.

Flowers blooming...great weather...

Everything's great except my motivation to study.


It's my last semester and i'm in no mood to study!!!

Have been forcing myself to finish up my assignments every week.

Well, other than pushing myself,

we also helped Augustine & Alvin move into their new place last week.

Went for a couple of fishing trips and coffee gatherings.

Got to know new friends with interesting characters and stories.

Last but not least,

my first try in making sushi!!!

Together with miso soup...mmmmm

heehee i'm a little over generous with my fillings.

Ok got to go try and force myself to study...if possible LOL

will try to update more!

Posted by Belinda + Zee at 5:46 PM